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The index file of the modpack, storing references to every file to be downloaded in the pack.


hash-format = "sha256"

file = "mod.toml"
hash = "a82d23948043048cef6208c8cc8bdac1ea42b6f8d6d73074ea0ab9a955f7ddf2"
metafile = true


Property Type Required Description
hash-format string Yes A hashing format used to detect if a file has changed. You may use your own hash format, but the valid values here should be supported and expected for most packs, especially SHA-256 and Murmur2. Possible values are: md5, murmur2, sha1, sha256, sha512.
files object[] No The files listed in this index. If it is not defined, defaults to an empty list.


A single file in the index, to be downloaded by the modpack installer.


Property Type Required Description
file string Yes A relative path using forward slashes. Must not reference a file outside the pack root, and should not include characters or filenames restricted on common operating systems.
hash string Yes The hash of the specified file, as a string. Binary hashes should be stored as hexadecimal, and case should be ignored during parsing. Numeric hashes (e.g. Murmur2) should still be stored as a string, to ensure the value is preserved correctly.
alias string No The name with which this file should be downloaded, instead of the filename specified in the path. Not compatible with metafile, and may not be very well supported.
hash-format string No A hashing format used to detect if a file has changed. You may use your own hash format, but the valid values here should be supported and expected for most packs, especially SHA-256 and Murmur2. Possible values are: md5, murmur2, sha1, sha256, sha512.
metafile boolean No True when this entry points to a .toml metadata file, which references a file outside the pack. Defaults to false when omitted.
preserve boolean No When this is set to true, the file is not overwritten if it already exists, to preserve changes made by a user. Defaults to false when omitted.